Monday, February 28, 2011

Blog Assignment #19/ John Wayne and Tony Curtis

          John Wayne was originally born Marion Robert Morrison, on May 26, 1907, in Winterset, Iowa. He was one of the twentieth century. He remains a popular American icon till this day. He was the oldest in his family and when he was seven he moved to Lancester, California. The family moved again soon after Clyde (his father) failed to become a farmer. When the family settled in Glendale, California, Wayne got his nickname "Duke" because of his pet dog. They spent so much time together they came known as "Little Duke" and "Big Duke". In highschool, Wayne excelled in his classes and in many different activities, including student government and football. He also participated in numerous student theatrical productions. He won a football scholarship to the University of Southern California. He started college in the fall of 1925. He joined the Sigma Chi fraternity
and continued to be a strong student. Soon after, he got a injury on the football field and ended his scholarship. 
          When he was out of school, he worked as an extra and prop man in the film industry. He met director John Ford when he was working as an extra on Mother Machree. With The Big Trail, Wayne recieved his first leading role.
For nearly a decade, Wayne played in numerous B movies, mostly western, for different studios. He even played a singing cowboy named Sandy Saunders among his many roles. Soon, he got his next big break in Stagecoach. Wayne played as Ringo Kid falls for Dallas. In the end, it took home the awards for Music and for Actor in a Supporting Role for Thomas Mitchell. After awhile, Wayne stepped away from his usual western roles to become a Swedish seaman in The Long Voyage Home. Along with many positive reviews, the movie earned several Academy Award nominations.

John Wayne

Blog Assignment #20/ America

          America's past was full of war, slavery, and death. Almost everyone was poor, and it was very hard to stay on there feet. There were bomb drops and there was trouble everywhere people looked. While the war was going on, of course the government was building. They had financial problems at first, but then they made the Constitution. We are still living under the Constitution today.

          In present day America, you can see that we have improved over the centuries. The buildings are more advanced and the sports are more.... American. We have new and better technology and also more activities and places to go to. The economical education has grown and is more advanced.

Blog Assignment #24/Countries

This is from the website:

Otzi the Iceman: Forensic artists put face to victim of 5,300 -year-old Murder

Who?- 5,300 year-old known as Otzi the Iceman.
What?- Murder
When?- 3289 BC
Where?- Schnalstal glaciers in the Italian Alps.
Why?- The people who killed him must have wanted his food, weapons, or clothing.
How?- It was an ambush. He was hit in the head with a heavy cudgel and wounded in the side by an arrow.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Blog Assignment #23 / Teen/Kid Feature

          My first story is about a girl named A'Niya Robinson. She said, and I quote, "Spend every moment that you can being happy because every second of happiness is something that you can't get back." The article lists things about her favorite things. What I like about this article, is that what she is saying about happiness is true.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Blog Assignment #18/Obama

          Barack Obama was born August 4, 1961, at the Kapi'olani hospital in Honolulu, Hawaii. He was the first president to be born in Hawaii. His mother Stanley Ann Dunham, was born in Wichita, Kansas. Stanley is mostly of English descent, but her family also traces to Germany and Ireland. Obama's father was a Luo from Nyanza Province, Kenya.
          When Obama was in his childhood, he recalled, "That my father looked nothing like the people around me-that he was black pitch, my mother white as milk- barely registered in my mind." Reflecting later on his formative years in Honolulu, Obama wrote, "The opportunity that Hawaii offered-to experience a variety of cultures in a climate of mutual respect-became an integral    part of my world view, and a basis for the values that I hold most dear."
          Obama is a graduate of Columbia University and Harvard Law School, where he was the president of the Harvard Law Review. He was a community organizer in Chicago before earning his law degree. He worked as an civil rights attorney in Chicago and taught constitutional law at the University of Chicago Law School from 1992 to 2004. Obama served three terms in the Illinois Senate from 1997 to 2004. Following an unsuccessful bid against a Democratic incumbent for seat in the U.S. House of Representatives.


Monday, February 7, 2011

Blog Assignment #15/ Africa

     My first video was called 'Making Meals'. I saw how the women of Africa make meals like, fish, rice, and beans. They said that you must clean the fish before you put it in the pot. After you put it in the pot you put seasonings on  it. I learned that they cook almost everything in a pot. When the women are cooking, the atmosphere is very light. There is dancing, joking, and singing.
     My second video was about what boys do on the weekends. He said that he likes to climb a Baobab tree. He washes his horse and himself too. After that he goes home to make tea when his little cousin is about to go to school. Then he goes home, where his Dad and brothers are already there.

      My last video was about a girl and what she does in the mornings before school. First she sweeps up the lawn and throws the dirt in the bushes. Then, she goes with her friend to go get water at the well. The bucket is a little heavy, but she can handle it. She carried the water back to her family and headed for school.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

March Lion's Club Assignments- Part 1 (Largest Kingcake)

          In New Orleans, they were celebrating, weighing, and selling off the world's largest king cake. How big was this bad boy? Try this out for a size: It rings the New Orleans Superdome. Twice. The cake covers 500 tables and is covered in black and gold sprinkles. Haydels' is the Official Bakery of the New Orleans Saints, thus the colors.
Oh, so how many babies does a record setting king cake have? About a hundred, including a special prize one worth a shiny new Chevrolet truck. Us Americans believe that is much better prize than having to by the next king cake, especially if it has to be of equal size.