Monday, February 7, 2011

Blog Assignment #15/ Africa

     My first video was called 'Making Meals'. I saw how the women of Africa make meals like, fish, rice, and beans. They said that you must clean the fish before you put it in the pot. After you put it in the pot you put seasonings on  it. I learned that they cook almost everything in a pot. When the women are cooking, the atmosphere is very light. There is dancing, joking, and singing.
     My second video was about what boys do on the weekends. He said that he likes to climb a Baobab tree. He washes his horse and himself too. After that he goes home to make tea when his little cousin is about to go to school. Then he goes home, where his Dad and brothers are already there.

      My last video was about a girl and what she does in the mornings before school. First she sweeps up the lawn and throws the dirt in the bushes. Then, she goes with her friend to go get water at the well. The bucket is a little heavy, but she can handle it. She carried the water back to her family and headed for school.

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