Thursday, March 31, 2011

Blog Assignment #37/ Favorite Movies

1. The Little Princess.

          This movie is about a girl whose father is in the army. She is a princess and she has to stay in a orphan home in New York (a long time ago). She gets news that her father dies, so she has to stay in the attick with another poor girl. She later finds out that the man next door that came from the war was her father with his memory gone.

2. The Wizard of Oz.

          This is a girl who can't find her way home.  She accidently kills the witch of the east. She has to ravel down the golden brick road to find her way home. In this movie, you learn about courage, love, bravery, and true friendship. She later finds out that the shoes that she was wearing could take her home if only she believed.

3. Big Fat Liar.

          This is about a boy who lies a lot. When he finally tells the truth, his dad doesn't believe him and he will do anyhting he can to win back his trust. This a remix version of 'Boy Who Cried Wolf'. It includes: Hollywood, actors, movie productions, pranks, and jumping out of windows. Best of all: Revenge!

4. Avatar.

          In this movie, a paraplegic marine dispatched to the moon Pandora on a unique mission, becomes torn between following his orders and protecting the world he feels is his home. "Avatar" isn't a perfect film - and a few cliches short of a great one - but at its best, you'll leave the theater feeling puny and dazed, certain you just spent two hours and 41 minutes on a lush alien moon watching 10-foot blue people re-enact the plot of "Pocahontas" or "Dances with Wolves." When the avatar is asleep, Jake returns to his own bod at base camp, where he deals with a crusty research scientist, a muscle-headed colonel, and a conniving dweeb named Parker. Parker is the nasally embodiment of a military-industrial complex that's bent on subjugating the Na'vi and pillaging their land for a rare fuel known as Unobtainium.

5. Pirates of the Carribean

          Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl is a 2003 adventure fantasy film based on the Pirates of the Carribean ride at Disney Theme Parks. It was directed by Gore and produced by Jerry. The story follows blacksmith Will Turner and pirate Captain Jack Sparrow as they rescue the kidnapped Elizabeth Swann from the cursed crew of the Black Pearl, captained by Hector Barbossa. In the end, Jack and Will break the pirate curse and save Elizabeth. Jack gets his boat back and Will and Elizabeth get married.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

April Lion's Club Assignment

Easter Recipes:

  • A cupcake (baked from your favorite recipe)
  • White icing
  • Shredded coconut
  • Pink decorators' sugar
  • Jelly bean nose
  • Chewable Sweet Tart eyes
  • Large marshmallow
  • Mini marshmallows

  1. Frost a cupcake (baked from your favorite recipe) with white icing and sprinkle on shredded coconut fur.
  2. Cut a large marshmallow in half widthwise. Squeeze each half slightly to give it an oval shape, then decorate the sticky side of each one with pink decorators' sugar and set them in place for ears.
  3. Add a jelly bean nose and either jelly bean or snipped Sweet Tart eyes, and mini marshmallows for cheeks. For a finishing touch, draw on decorators' gel pupils or whiskers if you like.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Blog Assignment #35/ My Weekend

          This weekend I didn't do much. On Friday I finally watched The Tourist. I lovvveeeeee Johnny Dept. One day Imma marry him. I will be 20 and he will be 50. Hahaha. I also enjoy Angelina Jolie. She is very pretty and fit.
          On Saturday I got my hair cut. It was horrible! I got 3 inches cut off and my hair is still ong enough to agrivate me. After I got my hair cut (which took almost 2 hours!), my mom and I went to eat lunch at a new seafood buffet place called Nagazi Buffet. It had sushi, chinese food- rice, teraki chicken, beef, misu soup, etc.- but best of all, they had gourmet flavored ice cream!
         We had to leave the resturant early because my sister was acting up, but I managed to get myself full before leaving. AKA, stuffing my face. What I really enjoyed about the resturant was that they had a coi pond in the front. The water was discusting, and you could see the filter and pipes, but it was still nice. The coi fish were beautiful (even though they were hard to see), and they even had turtles!
          After that we went shopping and my mom bought me my new purse. You can see me wearing it at school all of the time (except P.E and bathroom. LOL). I went to my mawmaw's and stayed there for the rest of the weekend. She dropped me off Monday morning at her job. We didn't do much at her house, but we went to the red box and watched some pretty-funny movies. It was a really cool weekend.

1. Read a thousand books. -in progress.
2. Finish my Bible. - in progress
3. Travel the world.
4. Finish my education.
5. Loose weight.
6. Learn to whistle.
7. Learn to cook.
8. Build my own house.
9. Build a charity home.
10. See how long my hair can grow.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Blog Assignment #33/ Foreign News

Thousands rally against EU wage plan

Who?- Thousands of protesters

What?- Urging an end to Europe-wide austerity

When?- Thursday

Where?- Brussels, the Belgian capital in Europe

Why?- Police fired water cannon and tear gas to disperse groups of demonstrators close to the European Union summit after activists blocked key roads in the city and caused a traffic gridlock

How?- Unions are calling on people to challenge EU leaders' moves to commit governments to a new "Euro Pact" expected to be announced

Air strikes fail to deter Gaddafi forces

Who?- Gaddafi forces

What?- Attacking and explosions

When?- Early on Thursday

Where?- Libya

Why?- Muammar Gaddafi's tanks from shelling opposition-held towns

How?-  Bombs

Anxiety in Japan over radiation in tap water

Who?- Thousands of people

What?- Remained without access to drinking water

When?- 13 days after the twin disasters of earthquake and tsunami hit the country

Where?- Tokyo, Japan

Why?- Higher than normal levels of radiation

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Blog Assignment 32/ What is in the News

Should men in uniform be forced to shave?

Who?- Men in uniform.
What?- Shave their beards
When?- March 23, 2011
Where?- U.S Army
Why?- Cannot be creative
How?- Shave

Gaddafi's air force 'defeated'

Friday, March 18, 2011

Blog Assignment #31/ My Choice Feature

          As experts in Japan race to stave off an accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station, the U.S. nuclear industry says the same emergency is unlikely to happen in this country. Even though 23 of the 104 nuclear reactors are of the same General Electric design as the Fukushima reactors causing the crisis in Japan, a nuclear industry spokesman said there are guidelines in the United States that would decrease the likelihood of such a disaster here. The 23 General Electric-designed reactors are more than 40 years old and are spread throughout the United States in cities such as Toms River, N.J., Cedar Rapids, Iowa, and Vernon, Vt. To generate electrical power, these nuclear reactors use a boiling water system, known as a boiling water reactor. These reactors continue to produce heat even after fission reactions have stopped. Normally, water pumps are used to cool them down, but the pumps are powered by electricity.

          After the tsunami caused by the 8.9 magnitude earthquake that struck Japan on Friday, the wide loss of electricity meant emergency crews had to truck in sea water to cool the reactors. At the Fukushima plants, 175 miles north of Tokyo, experts told ABC News that it appears evident that there has already been some damage at the core of one or more of  the reactors. If those reactors don't cool down soon, the world could experience another disaster on the scale of the Chernobyl meltdown in 1986. That is a no no. We cannot let that happen.

          A hydrogen explosion reportedly ripped through another reactor at the Japanese nuclear plant. The same place where, recently, a  reactor exploded Saturday, deepening a crisis government officials are calling the worst the nation has faced since World War II. Officials from Japan's Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency said the reactor's containment was not damaged and although radiation was leaked, levels were low.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Blog Assignment #30/Favorite Websites

1. Twitter- I like to communicate with friends. I can also keep up with my favorite celebs and celeb news. I love drama. It is a good way to meet new people and find out cool things. I can finally learn about celebs and what they are doing.

2. Shockwave- Shockwave is full of fun games and activities. The games vary in many ways. There is trivia, racing, puzzles, mystery, etc.. It will keep you busy. It is a very school friendly website that will keep you entertained. THAT is why I like

3. Coolmath- I am not really a fan of math, but makes math kind of fun. I like the game Bloxorz. It is very tricky. I made it to level 146 once, but I lost the code. For some reason I can't get back to that level. Hahahaha.

4. Grooveshark- I like going to grooveshark because because I can find songs quickly and easily. I love to listen to music. I always keep up with the latest songs. I add songs to my iPod almost every day. My mom syas I'm obsessed. I tell her I'm not, but I probably am.

5. Amazon- Don't even get me started on how much I love Amazon! I read and buy books from that website all the time. I love it!!!!! And my mom thinks I'm obsessed with my computer and iPod! Hah!! You can ask anybody! I love books! You can look at my AR points and tell!!

6. Crackle- Crackle is a website I love. You can watch movies for free on it. It is kind of like The difference is that Crackle has a better selection of movies. I watch a movie almost every weekend if I can find one. Which is hardly ever. All the good movies you have to get at Blockbuster for 20 bucks. Talk about a ripoff!

7. YouTube- This is the website I choose to look at music videos. I love to watch the wide ranges of creativity from the videos. I also watch things from the news. I prefer E! news the most. You know... Entertainment News? I like to watch it TV sometimes too.

8. CW- I like to go to so I can watch the missed episodes of Vampire Diaries and Nikita. I love those shows. Me and mawmaw watch them every Thursday. She is more of a Vampire Diaries fan. I love it too, but I will not, ever, miss a Nikita show, ever!!

9. RickRiordan- is the website of my favorite author. Well, one of them anyway. It shows all of the incoming books and the past books. There is also game too. It shows books for kids and for adults. One of my most favorite series with him (there was more than one author) is The 39 Clues. I read every book at least 3 times. That  is how much I love that series. I can't wait until book 11 comes out in April!

10. The39Clues- The 39 Clues website has information on the books and every thing. You have to make an account to find clues. You see, when you buy a 39 Clues book, it comes with cards in them. The cards have codes on them that you enter into your account. Then you have to go on missions. They are trivia-like game with action and mystery. I love it!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Blog Assignment #25/Sarah Palin

     Sarah Louise Palin was born in February 11, 1964.  She is an American politican, author, speaker, and political news commentator. She was the youngest person and the first woman elected as governor of Alaska! Well, lets start from the beginning. We will start with where she was born and from there to her education. 
     Sarah was born in Sandpoint, Idaho. She and her family moved to Skagway, Alaska when she was only a few months old. Then they moved to Eagle River when she was about 5, soon after that they finally moved to Wasilla when she was 8. She participated in many activities like cross country running teams, basketball, head of Fellowship of Christian Athletes, and point guard of the basketball team that won the 1982 Alaska state championship. She became known as "Sarah Barracuda" for her competitive streak.

     After Sarah graduated from high school, she enrolled at the University of Hawaii at Hilo. After she arrived in Hawaii, she switched to Hawaii Pacific University in Honolulu. She transferred to North Idaho College ( a community college in Coeur d'Alene) for the spring and fall semesters. Sarah was on a roll. She won the Miss Wasilla beauty  pageant. She finished third in the Miss Alaska pageant, playing flute in the talent portion of the contest, and receiving both the Miss Congeniality award and a college scholarship.

     In 2002, Sarah ran for the republican nomination for lieutenant governor coming in second. In 2003