Monday, January 31, 2011

Blog Assignment #13

1. Life, liberty, pursuit of happiness, common good, justice, equality, diversity, truth, popular sovereignty, and patriotism.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Blog Assignment #12-M.Antoinette

     Marie Antoinette was an Archduchess of Austria and the Queen of France and of Navarre. She was the fifteenth and penultimate child of Empress Maria Theresa of Austria and Emperor Francis 1. At the age of 14, on the day of her marriage to Louis-Auguste, Dauphin of France, she became the Dauphine de France. Initially charmed by her personality and beauty, the French people generally came to dislike her, accusing 'the Austrian' of being profligate and promiscuous, and of harboring sympathies for France's enemies.
                Marie Antoinette's effect on the Revolution of France started well before 1789.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

"Blog Assignment #10 / G.Muller"

     George Muller, a christian evangelist and director of the Ashely Down orphanage in Bristol, England, cared for 10,024 orphans in his life. He was well known for providing an education to the children under his care. To the point where he was accused of raising the poor above their natural station in life. He also established 117 schools which offered Christian education to over 120,000 children, many of them being orphans.
     The work of Müller and his wife with orphans began in 1836 with the preparation of their own home at 6 Wilson Street, Bristol for the accommodation of thirty girls. Soon after, three more houses in Wilson Street were furnished, growing the total of children cared for to 130. In 1845, as growth continued, Müller decided that a separate building designed to house 300 children was necessary, and in 1849, at, Ashely Down, Bristol, that home opened. The architect commissioned to draw up the plans asked if he might do so gratuitously. By 26 May 1870, 1,722 children were being accommodated in five homes, although there was room for 2,050 (No 1 House - 300, No 2 House - 400, Nos 3, 4 and 5 - 450 each). By the following year, there were 280 orphans in No 1 House, 356 in No 2, 450 in Nos 3 and 4, and 309 in No 5 House.
     After his life, his work was continued by The George Müller Foundation, which was renamed The George Müller Charitable Trust on 1 March 2009. The Trust maintains the key principle of seeking money through prayer alone - it actively shuns fund-raising activities. The charity works together with local churches in the Bristol area to enable them to reach out and care for their communities, especially children, young people and families with physical, emotional, social or spiritual needs; it also provides residential care for the old and encourages giving to support mission, social care, relief and development work across the world.
A small museum is maintained by the Trust at its headquarters in Cotham Park, Bristol. Records of all children who passed through the orphanage are held and may be inspected by relatives for a modest fee.

Blog Assignment #11- part 3

Blog Assignment #11- part 2

'Inquiry into 1973 death of Chile's Salvador Allende'

Who?- Salvador Allende

What?- Chile's authorities are launching the first ever inquiry into the death of socialist President Salvador Allende.

When?- 1973

Where?- Chile`

Why?- Salvador Allende, Chile's president, dies

How?- He was attacked in the presidential palace by troops and planes during the 1973 coup.

'Lost Army 'nerve agent' found after Utah base lock down'

Who?- The U.S Army
What?- They found a 'nerve agent'
When?- Thursday afternoon
Where?- Dugway Proving Ground
How?- They locked down the base.

'EU presses UK over London air pollution'

Who?- The UK government

What?- The UK government has just weeks to convince EU officials that it will meet European clean air standards in London, if it is to avoid a court case.

When?-  27 January 2011

Where?- Naco, Ariz

Why?- People were expected to pick up the drugs.

How?- They used a catapult. 

Blog Assignment #11- part 1

'Volcano Erupts in Southern Japan, Smoke Seen 5,000 Feet Above the Crater'

Who?-  the Shinmoedake volcano.

What?- It erupted and prompted the Japan Meteorological Agency to raise the volcanic alert level to a 3, warning people to clear the area within a mile of the volcano.

When?- Wednesday morning, around 7:30.

Where?-  Mount Kirishima, Japan

Why?- The activity. 

How?- Magma movement beneath the surface.

'Lost and Loaded? 62,000 Guns 'Missing' from Gun Shops Since 2008'

Who?-  62,000 guns,
What?- They disappeared 
When?- 2008-2010
Where?- The U.S firearm dealers' inventories.
Why?- To be stolen or sold under the table or black market.
How?- Stolen without purchase

'Drug Smugglers Use Catapult to Launch Bales of Pot Across Border'

Who?- Drug smugglers.
What?- small bales of marijuana 
When?- Jan. 21
Where?- Across the Arizona-Mexico border.
Why?- Someone was expected to pick it up at a later time.
How?- They used a catapult.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Blog Assignment #10 / G.Muller

Assignment #9-Your Person/Topic

     Want to hear about Broadway musicals? Of course you do! I heard that the Broadway musical called, 9 to 5 was sold out! Think about it. 2011 musical and it is already sold out! It is a really good musical! With the creative talents of Dolly Parton, director Joe Mantello, and choreographer, Andy Blankenbuehler combined, sold-out crowds are prepared to laugh, sing, and dance with the fun of 9 to 5 the musical! Grab your Rolodex and see 9 to 5, which features 18 original songs penned by Dolly Parton!  
     Many people have seen this musical and loved it! It is "best for everyone in the family", was "very funny", and had a "nice set design". If want a vacation with the family, go see 9 to 5! Your family will enjoy the 9 to 5 
musical by Dolly Parton, Joe Mantello, and Andy Blankenbuehler!It doesn't get any more entertaining than this. Audience loved it and ran to see it. It has a great yet overdone score by Dolly Parton, the acting is great and it's a great night at the theater. PLEASE come and see this show! It plays in the following: Chicago, Dayton,Saint Louis, Tempe, Sacramento, Spokane, Seattle, Denver, and Costa Mesa.

Who?- 9 to 5
What?- An amazing Broadway musical.
When?- 2011
Where?- Chicago, Dayton,Saint Louis, Tempe, Sacramento, Spokane, Seattle, Denver, and Costa Mesa.
Why?- It is best for everyone, very funny, and had a nice set design.
How?- The acting is great and the audience ran to see it.

(Some of the) 9 to 5 Cast:

Monday, January 24, 2011

Assignment #7/MessMaker Part 2

Who?- Home of the Biodiversity Observatory 
What?- Website 
Where?- Open University 
Why?- As part of the OPAL project
How?- The Big Lottery Fund
Lady Amherst's pheasant male

Observation of Badger / Meles meles, Mammals

Observation of Ivy, Plants

Assignment #7/MessMaker

Abstract PhotographyAbstract PhotographyAbstract PhotographyAbstract PhotographyAbstract PhotographyAbstract PhotographyAbstract PhotographyAbstract PhotographyAbstract Photography

Who?- Contributers ( Bill Jones )
What?- A resource for photographers novice to advanced.
When?- 2011
Where?- Internet
Why?- To bring us information, inspiration, technique, photographer showcases and more.
How?- Made a website.

Assignment #6/Smilebox

     Let's talk about my smilebox. I made a scrapbook about all of my dogs. It was so fun and cool that I made another one. One about my mom's bridal shower, and the other about my family. I sent the one about my family to my mom. She really liked it.
     I think from now on, I will make scrapbooks for special events. I am going to take a lot of pictures too. I will start sending them to my papa so he can print them out and save them. I hope he likes them! I should have taken pictures of Christmas so I could have made a scrapbook about that.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Assignment #8

Who?- Pocket Calculator Show

What?- The Boombox

When?- 1983-1981

Where?- Department stores such as Sears and K-Mart.

Why?-  this assemblage of electronics gadgets as an indispensable form of portable entertainment, it became an icon of popular culture, and we've yet to let go. 

How?- It is a large portable radio and often tape player with two attached speakers.

I don't think this website is my style. I don't care about silly boomboxes.

Panasonic RX-5350 Rev B
The Super Woofer

Sony ConceptConion C100-FXL

Monday, January 17, 2011

Blog Assignment #5/News

'Drug Suspect Shot to Death'

Who?- Drug dealer.

What?- Drug dealer was shot by narcotics officer.

When?- Wednesday evening around 5:30

Where?- A commercial area of Port Allen adjacent to La. 

Why?- The man was expected to stop by room 153 at Motel 6, 2800 Interstate 10 Frontage Road, Port Allen, to sell Lortab painkillers to an undercover narcotics agent. The situation turned violent when the man deviated from what agents expected.

How?- He pulled out a gun and tried to rob and shoot the undercover officer.

'Woman, 65, Dies in a Blaze'

Who?- Lizzie Simmond, 65.

What?- Lizzie dies in a blaze.

When?- Around 7:40 am on Sunday.

Where?- Newport Villa Apartments at 1737 La Annie Drive.

Why?- Lizzie left an unattended cigarette  in her living room.

How?- She smoked and then put the cigarette on her table.

'Clinton attorney quits; board delays decisions'

Who?- Elizabeth “Betsy” Jones.

What?- Betsy resigns from being an attorney, hence, the Board of Aldermen delayed making a number of appointments.

When?- Wednesday.

Where?- Clinton. Board of Aldermen.


Friday, January 14, 2011

Assignment #3/Lion's Club Article

              Riddle 1

What gets harder to catch, the faster you run?


Your breath.

            Riddle 2

Your in a room with nothing in it exept a closet and a mirror (no windows or no doors.)
How do you get out?


you look in the mirror, you see what you saw, you take the saw, you cut the wardrobe in half, 2 halves make a hole, you crawl through the hole.

Top Ten Books for Middle Readers in 2010
According to Amazon, these are the top ten books for middle readers.

1. (The Heroes of Olympus: Book 1) The Lost Hero, by Rick Riordan 
2. The Search for WondLa, by Tony DiTerlizzi 
3. Scumble, Ingrid Law 
4. The Night Fairy, by Laura Amy Schlitz 
5. Mockingbird, by Kathryn Erskine 
6. Word After Word After Word, by Patricia MacLachlan 
7.  Countdown, by Deborah Wiles
8. Cosmic, by Frank Cottrell Boyce
9. Reckless, by Cornelia Funke
10. Museum of Thieves (The Keepers), by Lian Tanner

Note from Ms. Moise:
As we approach Valentine's Day, we all need to be reminded of how important it is to God that we love each other. In Romans 12:9, the apostle Paul gives us guidelines on how we are to love each other."Don't just pretend that you love others,really love them. Hate what is wrong. Stand on the side of good. Love each other with genuine affection and take delight in honoring each other".
I challenge you to be sincere in your love for one another and to make a commitment to show honor to all of your classmates.If you do these things, the Lord will be pleased. Remember, the most important thing to God is people.
Ms. Moise

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Assignment #4/Flikr

This is the Manhattan Bridge. I am fond of this picture becuase it is very bright and beautiful at nighttime. It is a nice place to go on a first date or just relax. Mmmmmmm. Relaxsation is just what I need. Isn't it beautiful? The bridge I mean.

     Ahhhhhhhhhh, books!! I loooovvve to read. That is whyy I have the most AR points. When I have money and my own house  I am going to buy a library just like this to put in my house. I will keep the books clean and take very good care of them. It will (hopefully) be the nicest home libratry ever! Mwahahahaha!!!

Isn't this place beautiful? This is the city of Rome! I really want t o visit here someday and paint a lot of the ruins. They are so beautiful and so is the culture! Just look at the way the buildings are shaped and carved! Also what they used to make the buildings. The second best part about Rome is... Wait for it.... The Trevi Fountain!! OH yes people! Put three coins in and your wish comes true!!

Here is another place I would like to visit someday. Can you guess where it is? It's on an island and is called the city of Athens!! Whoooooo for history and learning!! This place has a lot of history STUFFED in it. And talk about ruins! This place is a Greek paridise!! I must go there!

Everybody knnows who Mona Lisa  is. Everybody. That is how famous it is. One day I hope to make a painting just as famous and loved. I hope anyway. I probably wont be as famous but hopefully I'll be close. Teribly  close.

Doesn't this bed look delitfull? I always need a nap after school to build my energy upp for homework. After homework, I usally read in my bed or sometimes watch a movie to  pass the time. It's really cold in my room so it gets pretty uncomfortable. After I am pretty much shivering, and if my sister isn't crying, I move to the living room and get on my laptop.

I am a animal lover. Ithink that they are cute, adorable, and innocent. Some are very soft too. I want to have a pet, but because of where I live I can't have any animals but fish. Who wants a fish? They are so BORING! I think it is unfair that we can't even have a small puppy! Can you believe that?!

I think ICE CREAM. Let's face it. If you offer me ice cream I am BRAIN DEAD! All I will be able to do is nod my head and drool. Ugh! talk about UN-mannered !! I guess that is why my mom doesn't offer me ice cream in public places.HAHAHAHA!! I am such the kidder!

Ahhh... Homework. The labor of labors. Who doesn't like homework. I know I don't exspecially math. I am good at it but it takes me a good while to finish it. One day I fell asleep while I was doing my math homework. I woke up around 8:30! I only had 30 minutes to finish and I was on number 15!! I thoght I was screwed! Ohh well. That is what you get when you do your homework on wednesday after church instaed of tuesday.

Monday, January 10, 2011

assignment #2: Happy news

     One article that I chose is called '9-Year-Old Saves 5 Siblings from Fire'. It says that the family lost all their possessions in a fire that their 9-year-old saved them from. Her name is Shakiah Mason and she saved the family on a Monday night. She is being praised by the family for rescuing them. It is a very stunning and heart-wrenching story.
     Another article I chose is called 'Man Pulls Shark's Tail to Save Woman in Australia'. The woman was 19-years-old and was a diving guide named Elyse Frankcom. She was bitten by the shark, but 1 of 33 tourists pulled the shark's tail and saved her. She was sinking to the bottom when the man grabbed her hand and pulled her into a boat. She was very happy and so was her sister Samantha. It is a miracle that this woman is alive to tell the story. May the Lord bless her in the future.

assignment #2: dictionary

Lickerish- Fond of and eager for choice foods.

Art- The quality, production, expression, or realm, according to aesthetic principles, of what is beautiful, appealing, or of more then ordinary significance.

Music- An art of sound in time that expresses ideas and emotions in significant forms through the elements of rhythm, melody, harmony, and color.

Skeleton- A supporting framework.

 Book- The Book, the Bible.

 Sugar- A sweet, crystalline substance.

Pun- The humorous use of a word or phrase as to emphasize or suggest its different meanings or applications, or the use of words that are alike or nearly alike in sound but different in meaning; a play on words.

Jay- A simpleminded or gullible person

Balk- To let slip; fail to use.

Respect- Esteem for a sense of the worth or excellence of a person, a personal quality or ability, or something considered as a manifestation of a personal quality or ability.

Assignment #2 dictionary

1. Lickerish- fond of and eager for choice food.
2.Skeleton- a supporting framework.
3. Book- the book, the Bible.
4. Music- an art of sound in time that expresses ideas and emotions in signifigant forms through the elements of rhythum, melody, harmony, and color.
5. Art- the quality, production,, expression, or realm, according to aesthetic principles, of what is beautiful, appealing, or of more than ordinary signifigance.
6. Sugar- a sweet crystaline substance


assignment #2: puns

1. I wondered why the baseball was getting bigger. Then it hit me.
2. I'm reading a book aboout anti-gravity. It's impossible to put down.
3. Did you hear about the guy who's whole left side was cut off? He's all right now.
4. I used to have a fear of hurdles, but I got over it.
5. To write with a broken pencil is pointless.
6. Some people's noses and feet are built backwards: Their feet smell and their noses run.
7. A bicycle can't stand on it's own because it is two-tired.
8. When William joined the army he disliked the phrase 'fire at will'.
9. What did the grape say when he was stepped on? Nothing- he just let out a little whine.
10. When a clock is hungry it goes back for seconds.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Me, Myself, and I

     Hello peeps! I am going to tell you all about me. Well, for starters, my full name is Alexis Raquel Metoyer. The Metoyer part is french and the Raquel part is Spanish. Both on my dad's side. Alexis comes from (I think) the Greek origin. I heard that it means defender. The name isn't popular.
     Another thing about me is that I love to read. I read all the time! Right now I am reading a series called Maximum Ride. Because I read so much I have the most AR points in the school (that I know of). I am interested in fantasy, adventure, fiction, action, and mystery. If you look on my Blogger profile you will see that I have a lot of favorite books.
     Okay! We are on a roll here, so lets keep going. A secret that I have (get a little closer! I don't want anyone to here!) is that I have a soft spot for animals. Yeah you heard me! If my mom would let me volunteer that would be great! But no. She doesn't want me by a "bunch of mutts"! Oh well is all I say. One day I am not going to cry when I see the ASASP commercial.
     Alright, a little more to go. Lets just get down to the basics. My favorite color is blue and so is turquoise. I like to wear casual clothing and not too much makeup. My hobbies are going to school although I would like to play soccer. I have one sister who just  is so spoiled!!! I was born on the 13 of December in 1998 so I am 12. I am the kind of person who is dependent and needs people. I am a little shy at times but not always.
     Okay, that is all about me. I hope that is a decent amount of information because i am not going to spill anything else. HAHAHA! I am just kidding. If you have any questions you can just ask! Feel free! Bye!!!!