Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Assignment #4/Flikr

This is the Manhattan Bridge. I am fond of this picture becuase it is very bright and beautiful at nighttime. It is a nice place to go on a first date or just relax. Mmmmmmm. Relaxsation is just what I need. Isn't it beautiful? The bridge I mean.

     Ahhhhhhhhhh, books!! I loooovvve to read. That is whyy I have the most AR points. When I have money and my own house  I am going to buy a library just like this to put in my house. I will keep the books clean and take very good care of them. It will (hopefully) be the nicest home libratry ever! Mwahahahaha!!!

Isn't this place beautiful? This is the city of Rome! I really want t o visit here someday and paint a lot of the ruins. They are so beautiful and so is the culture! Just look at the way the buildings are shaped and carved! Also what they used to make the buildings. The second best part about Rome is... Wait for it.... The Trevi Fountain!! OH yes people! Put three coins in and your wish comes true!!

Here is another place I would like to visit someday. Can you guess where it is? It's on an island and is called the city of Athens!! Whoooooo for history and learning!! This place has a lot of history STUFFED in it. And talk about ruins! This place is a Greek paridise!! I must go there!

Everybody knnows who Mona Lisa  is. Everybody. That is how famous it is. One day I hope to make a painting just as famous and loved. I hope anyway. I probably wont be as famous but hopefully I'll be close. Teribly  close.

Doesn't this bed look delitfull? I always need a nap after school to build my energy upp for homework. After homework, I usally read in my bed or sometimes watch a movie to  pass the time. It's really cold in my room so it gets pretty uncomfortable. After I am pretty much shivering, and if my sister isn't crying, I move to the living room and get on my laptop.

I am a animal lover. Ithink that they are cute, adorable, and innocent. Some are very soft too. I want to have a pet, but because of where I live I can't have any animals but fish. Who wants a fish? They are so BORING! I think it is unfair that we can't even have a small puppy! Can you believe that?!

I think ICE CREAM. Let's face it. If you offer me ice cream I am BRAIN DEAD! All I will be able to do is nod my head and drool. Ugh! talk about UN-mannered !! I guess that is why my mom doesn't offer me ice cream in public places.HAHAHAHA!! I am such the kidder!

Ahhh... Homework. The labor of labors. Who doesn't like homework. I know I don't exspecially math. I am good at it but it takes me a good while to finish it. One day I fell asleep while I was doing my math homework. I woke up around 8:30! I only had 30 minutes to finish and I was on number 15!! I thoght I was screwed! Ohh well. That is what you get when you do your homework on wednesday after church instaed of tuesday.

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