Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Blog Assignment #34/ National Geographic

How Earth "Plays Horseshoes" with Asteroids 

Who- Earth and asteroids
What- playing horseshoes
When- April 11, 2011
Where- Outside earth's atmosphere
Why- the asteroid's orbit is similiar to earth's
How- it will go up and down and then slow and then speed up

How to "See" Beyond the Milky Way from Your Backyard

Who- Everyone with a backyard
What- see the Milky Way
When- April 15. Midnight.
Where- setting in the west and rising in the east
Why- April is galaxy month
How- dominates summer and winter night skies

Penguin Numbers Plummeting- Whales Partly to Blame?

Who- penguins
What- Penguin population shortens
When- April 11, 2011
Where- In parts of Antarctica
Why- Whales have been eating their food
How- they eat krill

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