Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Blog Assignment #45

France blocks Italian train carrying Tunisian migrants is about French authorities barred an Italian train loaded with Tunisian migrants and European activists from entering its territory, angering Italian officials.On Monday, they formally protested what they saw as un-European behavior. I think this kind of strange too. What if someone had an appointment? They said it was because of an un-authorized protest. I say baloney!!

Michelle Obama's Plane Aborts Landing After Inncident with Military Plane is about an accident with the First Lady's Lady's plane. It was because an air traffic controller allowed it to get  too close to a military cargo plane. It was landing right ahead of them so they had to keep going. They had to try to make a space between the two plane. When it didn't work, they had had to go around the base.

Post-spill gulf environment appears to have escaped catastrophe, for now is about how the pelicans are doing from the oil spill. They seem to be doing better now, and so it is the same with the other animals. It also talks baout how people went back to normal, but not all was right. The ground used to be covered in grass to where you couldn't see the ground. Now the plants are scraggly and thin. Some of the plants are even wiped out.

2 Afghan soldiers killed in assassination attempt

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