Sunday, May 15, 2011

Final Exam/ Salvation

     It all started with Adam and Eve. They were God's first human creatures, but, you see, they disobeyed Him. They were sent away and their sin passed from generation to generation. God used people from earth to do His deeds. People like Moses who saved the Israelite people.
     One day, an angel came to a woman named Mary. The angel said that she would have a son and that she had to name him Jesus. The angel said that He would be the son of God. Mary and Joseph traveled to Bethlehem to have their child. They could not find a place to stay, so they had to make do with a barn.
     After Jesus was born, some did believe that He was the Messiah. He would always do good deeds, and He never committed a single sin. Some people hated Him for teaching the word of God. A riot happened and the king decided to let the people choose who they wanted to kill. When that chose Jesus, the king was surprised.
     Jesus went through beatings and was crowned with thorns. He did not object though. He was forced to carry the cross to Calvary. When He was killed on the cross, He raised on the third day. The day He died He put all of our sins on Him. One day He will come back and choose His spotless bride. He will take up His believers to his kingdom. That day will be called the Rapture. I can't wait till that day.
     'Till this day, there are believers. There are people who don't believe as well. Satan uses them to do dark things. Some, because they do not have Christ, are vulnerable and fall to his power. If you believe in God, all problems will be solved.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Final Exam/ Bestseller

A GAME OF THRONES, by George R. R. Martin

          I am here to tell you about the 'A Game of Thrones'. It is the first book of the 'A Song of Ice and Fire' series. It is by George R. R. Martin.
          In the book, a civil war, called the War of Five Kings, erupts. Lord Tywin seeks revenge for the capture of his son Tyrion, he wages war against House Tully, the family of Catelyn Stark and Lysa Arryn. Robb Stark leads an army of northmen into the Riverlands to support his maternal grandfather Lord Hoster and also to seek revenge for the death of his father. Jaime Lannister leads the siege of Riverrun, while Lord Tywin holds a large army south of the river Trident to prevent Robb from advancing to King's Landing. In a bold move, Robb covertly detaches his cavalry toward Riverrun while his infantry carries on toward Tywin's army.
          In conclusion, Renly Baratheon proclaims Joffrey's illegitimacy and declares himself King of Westeros, becoming the second of the war's five kings. Robb Stark becomes the third when bannermen of Stark and Tully proclaim him King in the North. This is one of New York Times Best Sellers, so I suggest you read it.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Final Exam/ Cover Story

          Did Osama bin Laden really teach the U.S lessons? And if he did, did we learn from them?  I'm here to answer these questions and so much more. Lets talk about the three lessons he "taught" us. I want you to tell me if you agree.
          The first lesson he taught us was with the 9/11 attack. It was a wakeup call for America. The second lesson was in Abbottabad, Pakistan, when we caught Osama bin Laden. It showed the nations, and ourselves, that we cannot be thwarted when it comes to justice. The third and last lesson, but the most important, is when the Penagon released the videos of bin Laden. It says we need to keep things in perspective.
          Here are some questions that will get you thinking. Osama bin Laden is a terrorist. He was a major threat, but was it justice we were going after, or revenge? We were being unGodly. Are we going to make the risk of becoming bin Laden, pinned in by fear and determined to keep the infidels away?

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Blog Assignment #47

NOPD commander ignored regulations in detailed traffic work

The New Orleans police commander who, until last week, ran the city's red light camera detail, ignored police regulations. He apparently tried to conceal his lead role in the operation. And that is according to a draft report of an internal inspection of NOPD's 8th District. The report also suggests a concerted effort to downgrade serious crimes in Police Commander Edwin Hosli's 8th District. The NOPD issued a response late Monday, that took issue with several findings of the report, including the downgrading allegation.

Osama bin Laden killed by U.S. in Pakistan

A small team of Americans killed bin Laden in a firefight Sunday at a compound in Pakistan. A crowd gathered outside the White House as word spread of bin Laden's death. After a global manhunt that lasted nearly a decade, finally he was caught. Caught dead anyway. Former President George W. Bush said, "The fight against terror goes on, but tonight America has sent an unmistakable message: No matter how long it takes, justice will be done."

White House releases President Barack Obama's long form birth certificate

The certificate says Obama was born in the state of Hawaii, which makes him constitutionally eligible to hold the office of president. Obama released a standard short form before he was elected in 2008, but requested copies of his original birth certificate. He got them from Hawaii officials this week, in hopes of quieting the rumors. White House spokesman Jay Carney says Obama felt the debate over his birthplace had become a "sideshow" that was bad for the country and political debate.White House officials have said the issue was settled long ago. Yeah, right...

Gov. Bobby Jindal says Louisiana has no business running employee insurance program

Governor Bobby Jindal's administration stepped up its campaign. The campaign was to privatize a state employee health plan Friday. With the governor likening the effort to last year's battle over the national health-care overhaul, while his chief budget officer tried to reassure beneficiaries about the possible effects of the change. Jindal, meanwhile, noted that he is also a state worker whose coverage is provided through the benefits office. Noting that one of his two sons was born with a heart condition, Jindal said, "I'm not going to do anything that jeopardizes health-care coverage for my family or other state employees."

Tornado death toll count in Alabama is double-checked

Officials in Alabama are counting the number of dead again because they are worried some of the victims might have been counted twice. Currently, officials believe 236 people died in Alabama and 328 people were killed in all. That makes it the deadliest twister outbreak since the Great Depression. The largest death toll ever was March 18, 1925, when 747 people were killed in storms in Missouri, Illinois and Indiana. In March of 1932 in Alabama, 332 people died.

     I think the ways with the words are the same. Many of the stories are based on the same thing as well.  They both have a good many of stories to choose from. A good amount of the stories are different from any other place you would get the news. It also has a good many more more stories on the sites because of all of the things happening.
     I don't really see anything different between the sites. Besides the different authors and everything else. There are a few stories that are on one site but not the other. Some stories are on both, but is better put and more understandable on the other. There are different settings that do not relate to another's.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Blog Assignment #46 / The Chicago Sun Times

Clinton: bin Laden death doesn’t end war on terror 

The Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, is warning al-Qaida. She says that the death of Osama bin Laden proves the network cannot wait out or defeat the United States. She said that the death was a milestone in the war on terrorism, but that the “battle to stop al-Qaida and its syndicate of terror” is not over. The death showed that the United States will never stop the pursuit of justice. She said the U.S. would continue to boost its counterterrorism cooperation with other nations, including Pakistan.

Prosecutors: Woman twice legal limit in DUI crash that killed 2

A woman named Kimberly L. Bradley, was more than twice the drinking limit when she crashed.  She was trying to pass the car in front of her and lost control of the SUV. She wrecked into a Ford which flipped over a lot of times. She killed two people and injured nine. She gave a hand-written statement that it was true that she drank beer that night, and she confirmed that she was the driver.

Airline agent who checked in terrorists joyful

An airline agent says he’s feeling “great joy” upon hearing of the death of Osama bin Laden. Michael Tuohey checked in Mohamed Atta and accomplice Abdulaziz Alomari at the Portland International Jetport for their connecting flight to Boston, which they crashed into the World Trade Center hours later on the morning of Sept. 11, 2001. Since that chilling encounter, Tuohey hasn’t been able to view any footage from 9/11 without breaking down sobbing. Tuohey says bin Laden’s death will bring “psychological value” to Americans and that it was good it was American forces — not somebody else — that killed him. I have to agree with him when he says that.

106 missing in latest boat tragedy on Congo river

 An overcrowded boat capsized in Congo, leaving at least 106 people missing. The boat carrying passengers and merchandise sank on the Kasai River in Kasai-Occidental province. Another boat capsized last year on that same river. The river is nearly 3,000 miles long and about 10 miles wide at some points. Authorities said at least 72 people were missing after a boat capsized on a lake in eastern Congo a week ago.

Radioactive cars from Japan arrive in Chilean port

Customs agents in Chile have detected low levels of radioactivity in cars shipped from the Japanese port of Yokohama. About a hundred port workers have protested, saying their health was at risk. But Chilean deputy treasury secretary Miguel Angel Quesada said Monday that the Chilean nuclear commission has confirmed that the radioactivity is too low to cause damage to humans. He says the cars will be hosed down on board and any radioactivity will be contained inside inside the ship. This is the first Japanese shipment to Chile to show radioactivity since Japan’s massive earthquake and nuclear disaster.