Monday, May 9, 2011

Final Exam/ Cover Story

          Did Osama bin Laden really teach the U.S lessons? And if he did, did we learn from them?  I'm here to answer these questions and so much more. Lets talk about the three lessons he "taught" us. I want you to tell me if you agree.
          The first lesson he taught us was with the 9/11 attack. It was a wakeup call for America. The second lesson was in Abbottabad, Pakistan, when we caught Osama bin Laden. It showed the nations, and ourselves, that we cannot be thwarted when it comes to justice. The third and last lesson, but the most important, is when the Penagon released the videos of bin Laden. It says we need to keep things in perspective.
          Here are some questions that will get you thinking. Osama bin Laden is a terrorist. He was a major threat, but was it justice we were going after, or revenge? We were being unGodly. Are we going to make the risk of becoming bin Laden, pinned in by fear and determined to keep the infidels away?

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