Sunday, May 15, 2011

Final Exam/ Salvation

     It all started with Adam and Eve. They were God's first human creatures, but, you see, they disobeyed Him. They were sent away and their sin passed from generation to generation. God used people from earth to do His deeds. People like Moses who saved the Israelite people.
     One day, an angel came to a woman named Mary. The angel said that she would have a son and that she had to name him Jesus. The angel said that He would be the son of God. Mary and Joseph traveled to Bethlehem to have their child. They could not find a place to stay, so they had to make do with a barn.
     After Jesus was born, some did believe that He was the Messiah. He would always do good deeds, and He never committed a single sin. Some people hated Him for teaching the word of God. A riot happened and the king decided to let the people choose who they wanted to kill. When that chose Jesus, the king was surprised.
     Jesus went through beatings and was crowned with thorns. He did not object though. He was forced to carry the cross to Calvary. When He was killed on the cross, He raised on the third day. The day He died He put all of our sins on Him. One day He will come back and choose His spotless bride. He will take up His believers to his kingdom. That day will be called the Rapture. I can't wait till that day.
     'Till this day, there are believers. There are people who don't believe as well. Satan uses them to do dark things. Some, because they do not have Christ, are vulnerable and fall to his power. If you believe in God, all problems will be solved.

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