Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Blog Assignment #47

NOPD commander ignored regulations in detailed traffic work

The New Orleans police commander who, until last week, ran the city's red light camera detail, ignored police regulations. He apparently tried to conceal his lead role in the operation. And that is according to a draft report of an internal inspection of NOPD's 8th District. The report also suggests a concerted effort to downgrade serious crimes in Police Commander Edwin Hosli's 8th District. The NOPD issued a response late Monday, that took issue with several findings of the report, including the downgrading allegation.

Osama bin Laden killed by U.S. in Pakistan

A small team of Americans killed bin Laden in a firefight Sunday at a compound in Pakistan. A crowd gathered outside the White House as word spread of bin Laden's death. After a global manhunt that lasted nearly a decade, finally he was caught. Caught dead anyway. Former President George W. Bush said, "The fight against terror goes on, but tonight America has sent an unmistakable message: No matter how long it takes, justice will be done."

White House releases President Barack Obama's long form birth certificate

The certificate says Obama was born in the state of Hawaii, which makes him constitutionally eligible to hold the office of president. Obama released a standard short form before he was elected in 2008, but requested copies of his original birth certificate. He got them from Hawaii officials this week, in hopes of quieting the rumors. White House spokesman Jay Carney says Obama felt the debate over his birthplace had become a "sideshow" that was bad for the country and political debate.White House officials have said the issue was settled long ago. Yeah, right...

Gov. Bobby Jindal says Louisiana has no business running employee insurance program

Governor Bobby Jindal's administration stepped up its campaign. The campaign was to privatize a state employee health plan Friday. With the governor likening the effort to last year's battle over the national health-care overhaul, while his chief budget officer tried to reassure beneficiaries about the possible effects of the change. Jindal, meanwhile, noted that he is also a state worker whose coverage is provided through the benefits office. Noting that one of his two sons was born with a heart condition, Jindal said, "I'm not going to do anything that jeopardizes health-care coverage for my family or other state employees."

Tornado death toll count in Alabama is double-checked

Officials in Alabama are counting the number of dead again because they are worried some of the victims might have been counted twice. Currently, officials believe 236 people died in Alabama and 328 people were killed in all. That makes it the deadliest twister outbreak since the Great Depression. The largest death toll ever was March 18, 1925, when 747 people were killed in storms in Missouri, Illinois and Indiana. In March of 1932 in Alabama, 332 people died.

     I think the ways with the words are the same. Many of the stories are based on the same thing as well.  They both have a good many of stories to choose from. A good amount of the stories are different from any other place you would get the news. It also has a good many more more stories on the sites because of all of the things happening.
     I don't really see anything different between the sites. Besides the different authors and everything else. There are a few stories that are on one site but not the other. Some stories are on both, but is better put and more understandable on the other. There are different settings that do not relate to another's.

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